For those interested in site maps, here is one for the Spaceport. Move your mouse over the links to see the mouseovers. You can download everything you need (the site map gifs and mouseover gifs plus the complete html file) in the zip and sit files below. The HTML file has all the necessary instructions for setting this up on your web site.

The zip and sit files also contain the "Moonspinner Graphics" logo [shown below] for you to link back to me if you use any of these graphics. My link is

If you need any help with any of these sets, please email me. The fun part of these is deciding what to put where. For instance, you could use ENGAGE for your email; QUARTERS and STARGATE for your guestbook (Sign and View); THE BRIDGE for you and your family and so on.

Use black (#000000) for your background as these graphics are not transparents, but are on black backgrounds.

The font used is Cosmic Age and the picture used is courtesy of John Foster.

Spaceport Sets | The Sets